Standing ovation per Cinzia Angelini al TedxVail: il potere dell’animazione per edificare la complessità culturale

Standing ovation per Cinzia Angelini al TedxVail: il potere dell’animazione per edificare la complessità culturale

Una standing ovation ha salutato la regista e animatrice Cinzia Angelini dopo il suo intervento al TedxVail dal titolo ““Bridging cultural diversity through the magic of animation“.

Do you believe in the power of animation? Do you think animation has no limits? As Mila Director, I do! I recently had the honor of speaking at TEDxVail. My topic was “Bridging cultural diversity through the magic of animation.” Throughout my career in the animation industry, and especially because of the experience with MilaFilm, I have learned that strong themes, inspired by true stories, told through the powerful magic of animation, move people like nothing else can. If you believe that more can be done through animation, please spread the word and share my TEDxVail talk with your friends, colleagues, and community.
Thank you!”

(Cinzia Angelini)

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